It is snowing outside!!

Here I am in sunny Provence, I think not, we are covered in snow literally. It was the first time Tilly had seen snow. Obsessed as she is with sticks she had a hard job finding them after I had thrown them. Seems the snow put her off her scent. But as with every obsession or addiction Tilly found a way how not to lose her stick!


Not exactly a good throwing branch but Tilly was happy.


Lorgues is as white as white and I wonder if my plane will be able to take off tomorrow to take me to sunny climes.

Only a few days ago we were sitting in the sun shine in Bormes les Mimosa or should I say Bormes les Wattles. The Mimosa tree was bought to France from Australia where they are called Wattle.


Then for a balmy walk along the promenade in le Lavendou. Not somehwere I would normally visit but minus the tourists it was very pleasant.


And before the snow and the ice set in the blossom and the flowering japonica were positively jamming!

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The last day in my studio for the next six weeks, I shall miss it.

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I will be jamming, well not exactly me but the steel band at Shirley Heights will be on Sunday evening and I plan to be there dancing. I am really looking forward to the painting trips in Antigua. I still have a few places left on the second trip if you want to join me in the sunshine.


My next post will be from Antigua. See you then.


  1. Lee Isbell

    Snowing here, too. Maybe it will stick around for awhile. Or not. If you can get to the airport, you should be able to take off. Airports have snowplows, don’t they? Have a good trip to what should be warmer climes.


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